
Well it’s been a little over a month since our first event and now we have three under our belts. We did our first true service at Springettsburry Park two weeks ago and it went very well. We are still tweaking our procedures and menu to make the ShreddRRz experience the best we caIMG_7763n for everyone. Thanks for following us and keep checking our Locations and Events page for upcoming dates.

ShreddRRz is officially in business!

On Monday June 27th ShreddRRz took the final step in it’s creation and passed it’s opening health inspection. We are now in business.IMG_7588 Currently we are working on scheduling some events in the Harrisburg and York areas. We will keep you posted on Facebook and on our Locations and Events page on this website. We are also available for private events.

We thank everyone for their help and continued support!!

We are ready to roll!

So we made a huge step forward and the truck is finally finished. Amazing to see, from our first post to now, how much has changed. Now waiting on our health inspection and off we go. It’s been a long road, but an exciting ride!! Big thanks to everyone that has helped us get to this point.

R & R

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